Ministering in an international context as we do, how does one intentionally grasp each moment to plant seeds for God’s Kingdom in an environment which is in a constant state of movement?Â
There are days in life when you just have to stop and watch what the Lord is doing in the lives of the people around you. Yesterday was such a day.Â
​I stood, with camera in hand, taking in all the activity that was surrounding me. We were celebrating as a church the baptism of two individuals and the Lord’s work of salvation. How does one illustrate through photography the movement of the Lord in the lives of people? Ministering in an international context as we do, how does one intentionally grasp each moment to plant seeds for God’s Kingdom in an environment which is in a constant state of movement?Â
There was a point during the time when our church members stood at the edge of the sea watching the baptism take place that I just needed to stop. This was a sacred moment. A moment amongst hundreds of thousands of moments where John and I have been seeking to serve here in Montpellier.Â
Sometimes it is so normal in a fast-paced society to want to grasp and hold onto people and experiences for as long as we can. How exciting it is to be able to obtain that communicative photo for Instagram so that you can remember the good times for years to come! Yet, yesterday I took a moment to look out over the people surrounding me - people from South Sudan to England and from Indonesia to Vancouver, Canada. People who are just passing through my life for a season. Still here we were on the same beach, witnessing the same wonderful event of newly surrendered lives in Christ, and praising the same God for whom together we will all bow before one day. Â
So I stopped. I stopped looking for that great photo shot to express the day. I stopped fussing with the food table to make sure it was replenished. And I just took in that sacred moment. This was God at work and I was given the opportunity to witness it.Â
As John and I continue to try to live & serve intentionally here in France, we lift our hands up praising the God who is alive today and is still moving in the hearts of people. Yet, we also want to keep those hands opened. Opened - so as to allow God to move people in and out of our lives as He sees fit … so that His Kingdom can be advanced around the world. Â
To be honest, as the day progressed I did continue to look for that photo to express the day & I did continue to fuss with the food table. (no big surprise!)  But now I had a renewed sense of God’s presence, knowing that He is building His Kingdom and we have the privilege of watching Him do it!​
This is the sacredness of international church ministry.